Novellas: An Update
I have definitely focused a lot on novellas this month. Since my last update, I have read an additional 11 novellas along with my other reading for the month, and the previous 18 I already mentioned.

Some of these are really just… wat. Sex Stalker is by a dude, which is clear, because only a dude would think a sex stalker is hot. There is a lot of…. questionable things that are clearly because of the time they were written, and certainly not something I am interested in reading now.
Surprisingly, these are not all smut either! I really liked Sagan’s Law, which is a part of a Digital Sea series, and I think if I am ever looking for a sci-fi augmented reality series, I’ll pick that one up. Red Coyote Weekend was just weird to me? But it was well written, just not something I normally enjoy reading.
Tween Hopeful and Hopeless is definitely a part of a series because some of the things that were taken for granted that the reader would know, was not clear. It also wasn’t particularly well written. I almost DNFd it, even though it’s like 30 pages long.
I have 14 novellas left, most are smutty which, yay! But a couple are novellas intended to be read as a part of bigger series that I’m reading, so those will have to wait.
Current TBR: 632
May Recap! – Jenny Bean Reads
[…] Favorite Book of the Month: Ink, Blood, Sister, Scribe by Emma Törzs (finished before I started the blog!)Least Favorite Book: Sex Stalker by Darren G. Burton (novellas posts one and two) […]