
The Do-Over


This is a cute book. Set around a teenage girl and her idea of perfect love, so there’s obviously no spicy, but it is so sweet. There is also a playlist available from Spotify and I also pulled it into YouTube Music for people like me who don’t have Spotify. There is much T. Swift on it!

This was a top notch young adult romance. I want to have my preenager read this, it’s that cute! A Valentine’s Day gone awry and on repeat like Groundhog Day, also similar to In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren without the spice. Emilie needs to learn to live for herself and take up space in her own life. I really love the repetition of Valentine’s Day to facilitate that growth. As often as this happens in books and movies, I really wish sometimes the universe would decide to remind us in a similar fashion some days.

I knew exactly when things were going to go off the rails, and it didn’t stop me (or Emilie) from plowing forward into the story. It was a great reminder of making sure to live for you, and not for others, which seems to be a theme for my books lately. Which, fair, it’s easy to fall back into people pleaser mode, so constant reminders isn’t a bad thing.

It was a quick read, and I would absolutely read this somewhere warm, because it’s set in winter, and just the descriptions made me chilly! Great work again by Lynn Painter, she hasn’t missed yet on any of the books of hers I’ve read.

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