ARC Review: Elfemies to Lovers by Jennifer Chipman
This book was promised to be Hallmark + spicy, and whoooo boy did it deliver!

It was so on point that I can’t not make an individual post about it. The spicy scenes were so spicy and so perfectly interwoven into the light narrative that I devoured them. A light holiday rom com that really just tickled my fancy.
If you are looking for deep plot points, and solid character self reflection, this is not for you. Not every book needs to be heavy and hard and thoughtful. Sometimes you need a break, and that is good too. I may even re-read this as a Christmas treat to myself closer to Christmas!
Here’s the blurb provided by Chipman’s team
Ivy Winters
As the head elf at Santa’s Christmasland, I never expected to be butting heads with the new executive—or going on a date with him. But when he asked me to go home with him for Christmas, I surprised myself by saying yes.
Oh, and he’s from the North Pole.
And apparently, I’m an elf.
Teddy Claus
Training to take over the family business was no small undertaking, but for the last few years, I’d been working my way up through the ranks, mastering each branch of our enterprise.
But everything was different when I arrived at our Christmas themed amusement park and met her.
Maybe that was why I invited her home with me for Christmas.
It felt like I’d been searching my whole life for something, and I’d finally found it.
Maybe, what I’d needed all along was Ivy by my side.
As with any fluffy story, there is minimal character development, but if you can suspend your disbelief to read Elfemies to Lovers, you will really enjoy it.
And maybe have a *ahem* friend nearby when you do.