Smutty McSmut Smut Novellas


I mentioned in my previous post that I had read 16 novellas since making my TBR 100% accurate in terms of what I own. Now it’s 18 novellas, because they are so easy to consume.

Basically, I have read a lot of smut over the last few days and one not smut (Red Coyote Weekend) that had me going ?!?!?!?!? at the ending. I honestly think he may have died…

Because these are such short stories, I won’t be doing my #eyebrowbookreview on Instagram for each one. These all were free (I think) and all written 12-15 years ago. As I read some of them they were familiar, but were before I was keeping track in any sort of app for books I’d read.

Reading should be fun (and is often an escape for me going back to my childhood) and so even though I’ve read a bunch of these in a short span, I probably won’t keep going at this pace. Novellas have their place, but I love sinking my eyes (or ears!) into a full story too much to only keep reading novellas in the short term. Plus, I have three book club books to read, and an ARC due by the end of the month!

TBR Count: 645

Current Reads:
The Name-Bearer by Natalia Hernandez (Fantasy, paperback)
One in a Millennial by Kate Kennedy (Memoir, audiobook, and I have Thoughts and Feelings about this one)
The Spells Disaster by Tori Anne Martin (Magical LGBTQIA+ Romance, eBook via the library)

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