Monthly Wrap Up

May Recap!


Favorite Book of the Month: Ink, Blood, Sister, Scribe by Emma Törzs (finished before I started the blog!)
Least Favorite Book: Sex Stalker by Darren G. Burton (novellas posts one and two)

This month was very focused on reading a bunch of novellas so I could get my TBR down to a number that wasn’t freaking me out. I ended up reading 27 novellas, but in those numbers it seriously eats into the time I can spend reading other books too, which makes sense since time is a finite resource. I also didn’t add the covers to the wrap up image because they just took up so much space I was losing the longer books in the image shuffle.

The last two reads of the month were book club reads, and now I am devouring the rest of the Zodiac Academy series as the start to my June. Like, seriously, how is this series so addictive?!

Anyway, I also spent some time bringing my goodreads up to date with Storygraph and I will be trying to keep both in sync as I go, but that’s already been a problem as I zip through Zodiac Academy. I’ll be adding a where to find me page at some point that will have my IG, GR and SG.

What was your favorite read in May?


A comprehensive list of everything I’ve read this month. As this blog gets older, and I don’t have as many novellas to plow through, more of them will be linked to the OG post. But the novellas are condensed to here and here.

  1. Seducing Jane Porter by Dominique Adair (novella)
  2. Educating Jane Porter by Dominique Adair (novella)
  3. Reinventing Jane Porter by Dominique Adair (novella)
  4. If You Would Have Told Me by John Stamos (pre-blog read!)
  5. The After Party by Wynter Daniels (novella)
  6. Red Coyote Weekend by Stuart Connelly (novella)
  7. Master’s Thief by Nicole Austin (novella)
  8. Take Me by Grace Samuels (novella)
  9. Wetter by Harper Bliss (novella)
  10. New Girl by Harper Bliss (novella)
  11. Ink Blood Sister Scribe by Emma Törzs (pre-blog read! Absolutely fabulous. A little slow to start, but hard to put down once it gets going!)
  12. Not Just an Orgy by Sally Painter (novella)
  13. Remembered Love by Diana Hunter (novella)
  14. Door Prize by Lynn LaFleur (novella, one of the better ones!)
  15. Erotique by Nicole Austin (novella)
  16. Hot Moon Rising by Desiree Holt (novella)
  17. A Twisted Bard’s Tale by Selena Kitt (novella, where the reason the Montagues and Capulets are feuding is because the mothers are sleeping together and the fathers caught them together one time)
  18. Eland by Allyson James (novella, sci-fi, a good, short, steamy read)
  19. Sex Stalker by Darren G. Burton (novella, because of course a dude thinks that would be hot and not terrifying…)
  20. Let’s Get Naked by Marianne LaCroix (novella)
  21. Lap Dance by Sally Painter (novella, gargoyle porn)
  22. This Spells Disaster by Tori Anne Martin (pre-blog read! Fricken adorable witchy LGBTQ+ romance)
  23. One in a Millennial: On Friendship, Feelings, Fangirls, and Fitting In by Kate Kennedy
  24. First Taste by Paisley Smith (novella)
  25. The Name-Bearer by Natalia Hernandez
  26. Hooked by Emily McIntire
  27. His Voice, His Command by Vanna Harper (novella)
  28. Cleat Cute by Meryl Wilsner
  29. At First Spite by Olivia Dade
  30. Namaste and Code All Day by Ally Williams (ARC)
  31. Thrill of the Hunt by Nathalie Gray (novella)
  32. Tween Hopeful and Hopeless by Sam Cheever (novella)
  33. Saying Yes by Barbara Elsborg (novella, pretty decent, actually!)
  34. Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister
  35. Bride by Ali Hazelwood
  36. Raiders of the Lost Heart by Jo Segura
  37. Sagan’s Law by Thomas K. Carpenter (novella, pretty good sci-fi short, part of a series I haven’t read)
  38. Zodiac Academy: The Awakening by Susanne Valenti and Caroline Peckham
  39. The Accidental Hero by Joshua Graham (novella, no, thank you. Not my jam, way too much religion)
  40. A Night at the Tropicana by Chanel Cleeton (novella, dually set in Miami in 1969 and Havana, Cuba in 1939. A very sweet romance, very chaste)
  41. Butcher and Blackbird by Brynne Weaver
  42. Making it So by Patrick Stewart

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