


I seriously contemplated using a giant red flag for this cover, instead of the actual cover. tl;dr: I did not enjoy this book. My StoryGraph review was “WTF.”

**spoilers ahead**

Like, I understand that dark romance is a thing, but there is nothing in this that handles it in a way that shows that there are consequences for or amends from any characters that wronged Wendy. She just forgives them all for their bullshit? Dark romance is not an excuse for poorly written doormats.

Some of the spicy scenes were indeed, very spicy, but this was also tempered by the idea that Wendy was a virgin and was implied that some how made her better than Maria or what’s her face from the bar. The misogyny screams from the page, and it’s painful.

The last act of the book was…. a lot. I texted some of my friends who’ve read this before with much swearing and wtfs, which I did enjoy. The twists and turns at the end were soap opera-esque but good lord, the way it wraps up with Wendy being friends with Maria who was an absolute twat to her is so ridiculous.

All this to say, this book was not my cup of tea. I can’t even say what you’d need to like to be able to enjoy this book. I will say, I won’t be necessarily recommending this to people to read. If you do want to read it, good luck.

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  1. […] you like then.” and doesn’t pull any of the possessive bullshit that drove me nuts in Hooked and other novels I’ve […]

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