
The Name-Bearer


The Name-Bearer by Natalia Hernandez (StoryGraph review) was gifted to me by a member of (one of) my book clubs, Kati, an awesome human if there ever was one! This particular book club reads a lot of fantasy, so it wasn’t a far leap to assume I’d like this one. And, dear reader, I did.

An epic tale of a young woman who trains and *gasp* actually gets to grow up a bit before starting her epic adventure to find the Unnamed Prince amid the backdrop of an ongoing war between the Andalan realm and Cassalain realm. The richness of detail, the world building, and character growth is just phenomenal. It took a little bit to get into it, as I’ve been rather distracted with other life things, like our puzzles for our puzzle company being delivered and it being the end of the school year. BUT once I was hooked, all I wanted to do was read it. There were a couple times where grammar and missed spelling errors (staining arms instead of straining arms) made me pause, but on the whole, I am invested in this story.

Spoilery Things I am looking forward to learning about or enjoyed, in no particular order:

  1. I love how her upbringing allows her to choose what name fits her best in the era she’s in at the time.
  2. Will Phanessa ever return and take her trial???
  3. I love that the exploration of sexuality in this world has no pressure the way it does in ours. Allowing the people to feel attracted to whomever they want, no one at all, or only one person. Perfect, let’s bring that into real life please!
  4. Why did Raidea not join Damika and the rest in whatever their quest is?
  5. Why now set the bounty on The Name-Bearer and not right after the Flowers denied her?
  6. How the fuck was Archwizard Auberon caught now? What did he do to get caught, and is it an Iron Man/Dr. Strange sitch like in Endgame, like him being caught is the only way forward?
  7. I straight up cackled when Nova realized she needed the help of Axchel to cross the border.
  8. I did NOT see the twist with the King coming, but oh boy, should I have.

The second book is out now, and I’ve added it to my TBR, but I am definitely going to be still focusing on reading books I have that are on my TBR first. But, if you want to contribute to its purchase, you can always donate on my ko-fi! I promise you that like the personal finance nerd I am, I will put that money in a category labeled The Followers of Flowers by Natalia Hernandez and not touch it until that goal is met! Otherwise, it’s going to be awhile, as I own 249 books.

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