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I seriously contemplated using a giant red flag for this cover, instead of the actual cover. tl;dr: I did not enjoy this book. My StoryGraph review was “WTF.” **spoilers ahead** Like, I understand that dark romance is a thing, but there is nothing in this that handles it in a way that shows that there […]

The Name-Bearer

The Name-Bearer by Natalia Hernandez (StoryGraph review) was gifted to me by a member of (one of) my book clubs, Kati, an awesome human if there ever was one! This particular book club reads a lot of fantasy, so it wasn’t a far leap to assume I’d like this one. And, dear reader, I did. […]

One in a Millenial

I do not even know where to start with this book. Like, literally have been processing this book for about a week, and I still don’t know what to say about it. I told Clark that he needs to read it. I told my book bestie that she needs to read it. I told them […]

Smutty McSmut Smut Novellas

I mentioned in my previous post that I had read 16 novellas since making my TBR 100% accurate in terms of what I own. Now it’s 18 novellas, because they are so easy to consume. Basically, I have read a lot of smut over the last few days and one not smut (Red Coyote Weekend) […]

1… 2… 3… 4… ……. …660

Y’all. I have a lot of books. I read a lot of books of all kinds. Novellas, novels, memoirs, non-fiction, the list goes on. Now, I don’t own all the books in my TBR (to be read pile, in case you haven’t run into this acronym before), and I don’t necessarily need to own them […]