
One in a Millenial


I do not even know where to start with this book. Like, literally have been processing this book for about a week, and I still don’t know what to say about it.

I told Clark that he needs to read it. I told my book bestie that she needs to read it. I told them both I’m probably going to buy it even though I already read it from the library because oh my god did Kate Kennedy nail it on the head. A bullseye to end all bullseyes.

I was not aware of Kate’s podcast before reading this book, but I sure as hell am now. Her examination of the millennial experience, and even further the millennial female experience, is devastatingly accurate. She managed to put into words the feelings that I have been struggling with for years. Realizing that I am not alone in the chaos of my experience growing up in the late 80s, 90s, and being in college in the 2000s is both helpful and harmful. Helpful because I am not alone in my pernicious thoughts about my clothing, my body, my experience. Harmful because I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.

It has taken years of therapy and also store bought brain chemicals to reconcile my experience, and I will never be able to write about it as eloquently as Kate has. She has a new fan, and a new podcast listener, I look forward to reading what she writes next.

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