
Cleat Cute


I absolutely loved this sapphic teammates to lovers rom com!

What a cute romance. Just ah! So cute! The neurospicy elements were handled kindly, and showed one partner supporting the other by doing the things that they knew were overwhelming for the undiagnosed partner. And(!) in the process of researching how to support her partner, discovers some things about herself to explore later.

How the neurospicy elements were included was really amazing. Showing how being neurodivergent effects how we see ourselves in our daily lives, in our relationships, and how hard being undiagnosed can be.

I do wish that there was more of the banter between Grace and her UWNT teammates on FaceTime towards the end of the book. I wish there was more of that though. I cackled out loud multiple times reading that section. There was great conversations besides that, but that was far and above my favorite.

It is a lovely sapphic romance that is one of the most realistic portrayals of relationships I have ever had the pleasure of reading. If you like light, fluffy, and inclusive rom coms, this is the book for you!

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