Vacation, Then School, Then Life


Hey Friends, it’s been a minute! I went on vacation for 5 days up in Northern Michigan at the beginning of August and just completely fell out of my posting. When we got back, it was time for the kiddo to get back to school, So Puzzled Puzzle Company participated in a local festival, and everything just ramped up from there, leaving me reading but no energy for posting.

So, to start, here are my August reads!

Read more of the long adventure that is Zodiac Academy world, and which I am currently taking a break from to prevent ZA fatigue from getting worse – but I am almost there! I think I’ll pick it back up in January. These books are loooooooooong.

The three at the very end of the month were slump busters, but in a weird way? I needed something short while I decided over what I was going to read next – dive in to more ZA? Something else? They were… not very good. Looking for Ward was a bizarre storyline, but I loved the format of emailing back and forth between all of the characters.

The Heist books by Sara Desai were a fricken delight. I love me a good heist story, and these had heists AND romance? Sign me up! I hope to find more books like that after I kick more of my TBR down.

Collide was cute, and I’ll read the next in the series for sure. I finally finished the co-dependency book that I had been reading with my therapist, yay! Super informative, highly recommend. I enjoyed Funny Story, though the forced lack of communication was irritating in that one. Being Henry was a riot, and so much fun to listen to! She Who Knows was a prequel to a new series and it has me hooked. I am so looking forward to the first book in the series.

Currently, I am reading a lot of Halloweeny vibe books. Witchy, Vampire-y, Mystery, et cetera-y. I am so behind on posting though that I probably will finish out the month and post a wrap up calling out my favorites! There are just so many books, and SO. LITTLE. TIME.

I hope you are well and your reading is plentiful!

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