The Wiener Across the Way


This is an Amy Award stan blog now. There is no going back.

Another absolute winner from Amy Award! I love this one for many of the same reasons I loved the first in this series, The C*ck Down the Block. Men raised to respect, honor, and support women, who were raised to ask for enthusiastic consent repeatedly.

For those who know me, know that I need to be reminded to take care of myself, often. Now that you know that, you also will not be surprised that I intensely identified with Kelsey. Though, fortunately I have never worked myself to the point of exhaustion that she has in the book, I have burned out hard, and am still recovering.

I also freaking LOVED that Weiner the Pooh was a driving force behind certain plot points, so adorably enthusiastic. I think my family could see the heart eyes exploding around me as I read this book!

Read this book, y’all. READ THIS SERIES. GAH!

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