
The C*ck Down the Block


I absolutely loved this book. I DNFd the book I was reading right before it, so I was completely over the moon to be grabbed by the shirt and pulled right into this one from the get go!

The sex and body positive writing in this book was phenomenal. A lot of times in romance, even contemporary romance there is not a discussion of enthusiastic consent, and there it is, right from the start! The model set by the parents of the adults in this book is the model all parents should follow when talking to their kids about sex. Open, positive, and NO SHAME. Parents of boys especially (not that all people shouldn’t be taught this) should take note of the enthusiastic consent portion, and drill it into their minds.

For more informational resources on body positivity, please visit
For more informational resources on sex positivity, please visit You can also visit your local library for books on the subject.

This book just had so much realness to it. Fatphobia, bullies, misogyny online and in person, sex shaming, just it all was so beautifully written and I cannot overstate how much I loved this book. And the incorporation of sex toys into their relationship? Just stop, so great!

Like our wonderful heroine Trixie, I too wonder how the hell Karter became a branch manager of a library. Such a skeezeball! Blech. The library I work at only has the one building, but our director and my department head are both incredible women that I really enjoy working with.

(Oh, yeah, btw, I got a new job working at my local library!)

If you are new to the romance genre, I would highly recommend starting here. Amy Award has a new fan in me, and I will be devouring the rest of this series. Just for example, Friday night I was thinking to myself, “Ok, I’ll only finish this chapter and then go to sleep before the disaster beat, so I’m not sad.” (and I also had to be up at 7 the next morning to go to work) BUT THEN I FINISHED THE WHOLE DAMN THING!

The disaster beat, while painful, was not a miscommunication between the main couple – amazing. It had an incredibly satisfactory resolution, with love and support the whole way. I think I may have fallen in love with Amy a bit while I read this book! She’s amazing also, because I found a typo and messaged her on IG and she was so gracious!

Ok, I could keep gushing about this, but I’m going to wrap it up now. Go read it!!

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