
The Amethyst Kingdom


So, I started this blog well after I started reading this series which means I have no other reviews to link to. You’ll just have to trust me that they get better as they go and this one is the perfect ending to the series.

I laughed, I swooned, I freaking balled my eyes out. I get it Aneryn, I really do. (I can’t be more specific without spoilers, but when you get there, you’ll know too.) She was such an impactful character in this book, and I wish that there was more about her in the series. Maybe a novella? I haven’t checked the existing novellas, so maybe there’s something there.

Carys’ growth in this book was so good. Watching it come off the page was just wild, so well written. The depiction of depression and PCOS was very well done. While I don’t have PCOS, I immediately recognized the description, and OMG I wish we had the “tea” that they have in this world so that I could drink it and not have to deal with periods anymore.

The depression descriptors were thoughtfully done, and I definitely identified deeply with Carys and her struggle to feel like she always needs to be independent, taking care of others, and always putting her emotional needs last. It was painful how real that was to read, but in the best way.

If you’ve read the rest of the series, don’t miss out. If you like romantasy, give this series a shot. It’s a good read.

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