
Mastering the Art of French Murder


This is my favorite book by Colleen so far. The mystery gripped me, the tension was fraught and I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

While I found some of the conversation stilted, I enjoyed the set up of the city and the settings for the book. It was very easy for me to picture the entirety of the area even though I’ve never been to Paris. I am a theater nerd though, so it wasn’t a stretch for me to picture the theatre!

I don’t usually try and figure out whodunnit when I read these books, but I thought I had it figured out. The red herrings were very well done. There was some weird behavior by certain characters that I thought for sure pinned the murder on them, but I was wrong – one of the few times that I am glad to be wrong!

There is a theme through a lot of these books by Colleen that seem stick to a lot of gender roles ideas for women, and I would like to see her break out of that for her female leads. They are generally strong, curious, smart women, but they also lament a few extra pounds, or not being able to cook well, stereotypically feminine traits. Even with that in there, I do enjoy her writing.

If you’d like a quick read mystery, I definitely recommend this book.

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