
Love Songs


Love Songs is another Michigan author written book, by D.K. Marie. I found this book at the Author’s Alley event that is sponsored by 2 Dandelions Bookshop (which is expanding!) in Brighton, MI.

I attended with my husband and daughter, towards the end of the event. There were several children’s authors there, and as we were doing a sweep of the rest of the alley after speaking to a different grown up books author, I hear the words “Michigan romance” as we pass and I *skrrrrt* to go back to speak to the author. A nice woman, she and I spoke a bit about the beauty of Michigan and how much there is to showcase in our home state. She signed my copy, and we went on our way.

I started this yesterday, and it was a really quick read. It wasn’t an overly complex book, and there were a couple of typos that were frustrating, too vs two, that sort of thing. And again, same question as yesterday, do I say anything???? Gah.

Anyway, it was ok. The spice wasn’t spicing as much, though there were many spicy scenes. I’d probably give it 2-2.5 peppers on the pepper scale. I also didn’t feel like this absolutely had to take place in Michigan. They referenced being in Michigan, but not a ton of landmark references like in Humor Me that I enjoyed, though I love that the Detroit skyline is in the background of the cover. My main complaint is that I do not enjoy romances that create tension based on miscommunication or failure to communicate. It drives me bonkers, and since that was what was creating most of the tension, it wasn’t my cup of tea. I think if Jayce played a bigger part in the tension other than random assholery and the D Notes article that there would have been a great story there.

If you’re looking for a quick read that is very light, this book is a good one for that. I’m not sure I’ll read more of her writing. Love the cover though!

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