Monthly Wrap Up TBR

June Recap!


This was a busy reading month, and for as many as I read, I only managed to knock a few more off my newly cleaned and updated TBR!

I have been making progress on my physical stacks though. Stephanie and I figured out what books we both had in our possession so we could add that to our very special book club shelf. Then I took those out of the stack on my nightstand so it would be a little more manageable. They are now in my office and I already feel better. Now I don’t have to think “Wait, is this one we’re both reading??” I can just grab whatever I want from the stack by my bed.

I did read several more novella length stories, though they are getting closer to the 100 page mark which means they are just “short” and not novella in my mind. Because I only read a handful (literally) I included them on my monthly graphic.

  • Masks
  • Just Another Lady
  • Lying
  • Swinging Kickoff (kind of stiff in writing [pun intended] but hot)
  • Stone Heart (part of Neon Gods series, but read Neon Gods first, then this)

My Favorite Read this month was probably Warrior Fae, and if not that one, one of the other Ruthless Boys books. Those sucked me in and did not let me go.

My Least Favorite Read this month was Love Songs by DK Marie. I really wanted to like it, but it just ended up not vibing with me.

Honorable Mentions: The Five Stages of Courting Dalisay Ramos (out July 9) and The Wicked Sister by Karen Dionne (Michigan author)

Today I am planning on knocking the last box off on my 2024 Bingo Board for 2 Dandelions Bookshop – a poetry event!

How was your month of reading?

Current TBR: 661

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