
Humor Me


Short break from Zodiac Academy for a light, frilly rom com – a perfect beach read! As a Michigander, it was a delight to read a romance novel set in the place I have lived my entire life. I picked this up at Book Suey in Hamtramck during the MI Book Hop. The author is local to Hamtramck, and the book is mainly set there.

However, some of the dialogue felt a little rough, and the “Oh, Honeys” from Mason felt a little forced. I also noticed that there is a typo, referring to “fifty senators” even though there are 100. I never know what to do when I find an error like that when it’s not an ARC or a beta read. Do I let her know? She’s independently published (I’m like, 90% certain), so I don’t know if I should let her know, or just let it go. There was also a spot where I believe she meant ‘like’ not ‘liked’ and again, do I tell her? She also did the Michigan thing of adding an s to the end of a business that doesn’t have it and called Ford, Ford’s. So, while it’s super authentic to a lot of Michiganders, it drives me crazy!

I enjoyed this read, and had decent spice. I would say, probably about 3 peppers out of 5 on the scale. The timeline was fairly well sussed out with mentions of time passed without being heavy handed about it. I do think that Ian needs to go take a long walk off a short pier. What a dick, I don’t know how Mason or Pal could every forgive him. AND how the fuck did the other douche canoe find them at Mason’s parents? Was that inside_man too?

Anyway, I look forward to more from Maggie. Maybe I’ll try and get on her ARC team? Maybe I should apply to be a book proof reader. Til next time, readers!

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