
How to Help a Hungry Werewolf


Y’all. I didn’t even have this on my TBR. It was on the new books cart for my department at work and once I read the synopsis, I was IN.

It took me a minute to get into this second chance romance, but about chapter three or so, I was so hooked. The banter was hilarious, like, read lines out to my husband hilarious, not be able to stop laughing while reading them out loud hilarious! I laughed and snorted my way through this book, and Charlotte Stein has a new fan in me.

The world building was wonderful, done very well through the eyes of the FMC. It really pulled the reader in to experience everything with her. The characters were mostly multi-dimensional which gave this book more substance than I think other books I’ve read have done.

And the SPICE. Y’all. Y’ALL. The tension building was unreal. I wanted to lock them in a room together and not let them out until they did it. But once they did, yes, please, and thank you. So well written, so spicy it was almost physically uncomfortable. Whew.

I cannot wait for the next in this series, goodness gracious.

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