Monthly Wrap Up TBR

End of Month Wrap Up


It’s the end of July! Did you read something that brought you joy this month?

I read a few things that I really enjoyed, even kicking my feet with glee! I liked catching up on Lauren Blakely’s latest hockey romance, and I discovered Amy Award’s writing then promptly devoured what is out for the Kingman Brothers Series (more review posts for the next two coming soon).

For me, I also made good progress on working my TBR down! Not by reading novellas, though I did read a couple of those, but by giving myself permission to DNF when I am not enjoying a book. DNFs were quite a few this month. The Captain, It’s a Date (Again), and Bet on It.

Does that mean that the books are bad? Not necessarily. There are always going to be tropes and ways of storytelling some people aren’t going to enjoy. I’ll probably write a DNF review encompassing all of the books I DNFd at some point, but I do not know when, life’s been a little crazy!

My TBR is now down to 633, and I am lining up the remaining Zodiac Academy books, including Darkmore Penitentiary(!!!) to be my launch pad for August after I read a couple more books in KU to make space for them all, and also make space for Clark to also use our subscription!

What was your favorite read this month?

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