
Rebel Rising


As much as I love reading memoirs, especially when read to me by the author, I find it so hard to write reviews of them. I feel like I’m critiquing their life, not the way they told it to me, you know? Bah. Anyway…

I have been a fan of Rebel Wilson since Pitch Perfect, and I still didn’t know a ton of what she put into her memoir. Which, is obviously the point of a memoir. It was fascinating, funny, and heartfelt. I am so happy she has found joy in her life.

I am absolutely livid at the treatment she had at the hands of her dad and by the gossip rags. How dare the rags writer decide it was time for her to come out of the closet? Sexuality is a spectrum, and we each get to define that for ourselves but not other people. Fucking paparazzi.

I related to much of her childhood entertainment though. I love hearing about other people’s experience growing up in general, but especially those who experienced childhood in the same years I did. I like seeing how pop culture was viewed by them, and how it was different or the same in other countries.

I found her experience with health and weight as well as therapy really interesting. Especially the tummy massage and purge writing. I appreciate her sharing her honest experiences with us, and I wish her continued happiness, healthiness, and joy.

Definitely give this a read in whatever format you enjoy!

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