Tag: ARC

Party Animal

**I was provided a copy to read for my honest opinion.** I am a member of Ali K. Mulford’s ARC team for this series. And it does not disappoint! A sweet fake dating story with everyone catching feels! It’s different than any other fake dating trope I’ve read in one minor detail – they both […]

Take Me Home

This was a very sweet, slow burn frenemies to lovers. It is one of those books that I can feel the emotion in my palms, if that makes any sense. Because I have sunk so far into smut reading, this is a different sort of romance than I currently read, but the kind of romance […]

The Five Stages of Courting Dalisay Ramos

This was a delight to read. There were parts that I actually laughed out loud at. The clowns – THE CLOWNS! I was dying! The dialogue was snappy and snarky in places, and I love me some snark. I absolutely loved the different aspects of two cultures and their assumptions coming together in this story. There were […]

Namaste and Code All Day

Apparently my theme this week is “romance with mental illness” as this ARC is exactly that. Just a heads up, I am a member of the ARC team for Ally Williams, so this was provided to me free of charge in exchange for an honest review. A sweet romance that combined some of my favorite […]